Natural Skin Care Products That Sound Disgusting, But Will Change Your Life
I Promise!
By Debbie L. Miller
May 24, 2024
If you’re like me, you’re a sucker for every new skin-care product that comes along. Here are a few new ones I’ve tried.
**Bliss, Balkan Brothers’ facial moisturizer enriched with urine from the Himalayan female tahr lives up to its name. Sherpas collect the precious pee during summer rainstorms, freeze-dry and ship it directly to you. I paid $265 for one ounce plus $325 shipping from Bhutan. My skin has never felt this alive. (I’m told the oozing, crusty redness and itching goes away eventually.)
**Bruja Inc.’s Costa Rican Toad Mucous Extract “harnesses the power of nature from deep within the cloud forest” and produces benefits with just one application. I was unprepared for the robust libido, a little-known side effect. I put out $155 for one ounce and was so horny, I had sex with the Amazon delivery guy.
**From the skin care laboratories at Dyson, it’s Miracle Vacuum Cleaner Dust Astringent. This amazing product adds nutrient-rich minerals and micronutrients to your facial skin’s environment. You’ll positively glow from the harmless radioactive trace elements encapsulated in it. As a bonus, it tightens abs. $165 for 1.3…