Natural Skin Care Products That Sound Disgusting, But Will Change Your Life
By Debbie L. Miller
May 24, 2024
If you’re like me, you’re a sucker for every new skin-care product that comes along. Here’s a few I’ve tried.
Bliss, Balkan Brothers’ facial moisturizer enriched with urine from the Himalayan female tahr lives up to its name. Sherpas collect the precious pee during summer rainstorms, freeze-dry and ship it directly to you. I paid $265 for one ounce plus $325 shipping from Bhutan. My skin has never felt this alive. (I’m told the oozing, crusty redness and itching goes away eventually.)
Bruja Inc.’s Costa Rican Toad Mucous Extract “harnesses the power of nature from deep within the cloud forest” and promises benefits with just one application. I was unprepared for the robust libido, a little-known side effect. I put out $155 for one ounce and was so horny, I had sex with the Amazon delivery guy.
From the skin care laboratories at Dyson, it’s Miracle Vacuum Cleaner Dust Astringent. This amazing product adds nutrient-rich minerals and micronutrients to your facial skin’s environment. It claims you’ll positively glow from the harmless radioactive trace elements encapsulated in it. As a bonus, it tightens abs. $165 for 1.3 ounces. My skin is still dull, but my abs have never…