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Lily Jones Dreams of a Washing Machine: Fictional Monologue about Ozark Wilderness Challenge

Debbie Lynn Miller


by Debbie L. Miller

Yep, I got two kids and never been married. Two sons, six and eight. We live in a trailer park in Sedalia. Last winter, we didn’t have much heat. I washed clothes by hand and hung ’em inside to dry and they froze on the line.

Here’s the thing. I know folks think I’m a hillbilly, white trash, and such, ‘cuz I live in a trailer park. And, they assume I’m on welfare. But I ain’t, never been. I work. Always have, since I was 12, and I’m 28 now. I’m a receptionist. Doctor office.

I wanted to have my kids. I didn’t get pregnant by bein’ careless. Didn’t figure I needed the guy after he done his part. It’s like there was this little one up in heaven, just waitin’ for me to claim ’em. Always knew I’d have me a boy. After I got Jake, I loved him so much, I decided to have me another. My boys, Jess ‘n Jake’s gonna be nice grown ups, ‘cuz they’s nice kids and I brung ’em up good.

As far as my life goes, I got a plan. I been savin’ for a down payment on my own house. No more mobile homes! I’m tired ‘a bein’ called “Trailer Park Trash.” Heard it my whole life. Don’t want my kids goin’ through that. I want my own house. Not a big one, mind you, just somethin’ all mine. My boys are gonna know what it’s like…



Debbie Lynn Miller
Debbie Lynn Miller

Written by Debbie Lynn Miller

Brooklyn comedy/satire/humor writer & journaliat is published in Belladonna Comedy, Frazzled, The Haven, The StopGap, Greener Pastures, & The Syndrome Magazine.

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