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Top Ten Ways to Get Your Play Produced on Broadway

It’s not what you think!

Debbie Lynn Miller
3 min readJul 7, 2024


by Debbie L. Miller

Are you at a creative impasse? Burned out? Tired of sending out submission after submission, only to receive nothing but rejections? Well, don’t give up! That big production deal is just around the corner. If you follow these handy hacks on how to get your play produced in the Big Apple, you’ll be raking in the money in no time.

1. To fund your play, rob a bank, marry a billionaire, or bump off a rich relative. Or, come up with a novel fundraising idea. Think outside the box: host a celebrity Tupperware party in trendy Tribeca; parade around Midtown wearing a sandwich board, dressed as a duck; actually talk to people on the subway. Let desperation be your guide and don’t be afraid to make a spectacle of yourself. It’s New York. Nobody will bat an eyelash.

2. Originality is way over-rated. Forget about your own voice. This is an erroneous belief started by a writer who read too many “how to” playwriting books and attended too many workshops. The key word here is “derivative.” Copy characters, “borrow” ideas. You aren’t stealing — you’re paying homage to other writers.

3. Make it a love story. You’ll have a hit every time. Punch it up — have the main character fall in love with a sheep, or better…



Debbie Lynn Miller

Brooklyn comedy/satire/humor writer & journaliat is published in Belladonna Comedy, Frazzled, The Haven, The StopGap, Greener Pastures, & The Syndrome Magazine.